Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Life in Seattle: Fairytales (day16-22)

 Wow sorry it's been a week! I've been so busy working, and am happy to report, loving every second of it. :) Which brings me to say...

Once upon a time... many years ago... a girl started dreaming about Seattle, moving there, and even bigger than that, stepping into the Seattle Children's Theatre to be a part of their magic.

The International Fountain right outside the theatre- perfect spot for lunch
 Once upon a time...one year ago... a girl visited Seattle for the first time, fell in love, and stood inside the Seattle Children's Theatre for the first time and said to herself, "I will work here someday." Little did she realize....

Three weeks ago, she moved here.
One day ago, she walked into that building to work.

But I have to say that for all of those once upon a times, those dreams felt like fairytales inside of my head. Just pretty ideas. And sometimes I don't know whether to laugh or cry (or perhaps a little bit of both) looking back and seeing how far I have gone, in so many ways.

(ten feet from the theatre) THEY HAVE CANDY STORES

 1. Dare to believe in the impossibilities, the fairytales. Who says they're just for movies? I believe that if our minds can imagine it, then it can be so.

2. It doesn't end with a happily ever after. It doesn't end at all, in fact. It just keeps going. You can keep exploring fairytale after fairytale.

Yesterday I stood on the stage at SCT for the first time, and I said to myself, "I will act here someday." My adventures only begin with the getting here, and so do yours, wherever you are.

3. There will be dragons, unfortunate events, evil stepmothers, cruellas, evil stepsisters, getting on the wrong bus, witches disguised under free delicious apples, tree branches falling on you, a shattered glass slipper and many Hooks you will get tangled in. But don't let that stop you because...

Just one of the MANY shop spaces at SCT
4. There will be faithful owners searching for you, little people who believe in you, friends who skype you from across the country, the other glass slipper, a Prince fighting for your love, fairy godmothers, a family who sends their love, and little bits of pixie dust scattered throughout your world.

All you have to do is look for it and believe, and you will see the fairytales that are already there come to life.

"There is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. I'll always be with you." - Winnie the Pooh

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