Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Life in Seattle: The Differences (day8&9)

The bridge I walk across everyday
 Since I'm practically across the country from home, I thought I'd share some things that are different here than they are in Oklahoma (and most other places I've been to for that matter).

1. The weather! Everyone says that Seattle is rainy and dreary, and okay, yes, the skies are mostly grey and it is much colder here, but it's absolutely gorgeous as well. NO HUMIDITY. None. And the air feels so fresh. And the rain is not like a huge storm in Ok, more like a drizzly rain that goes off and on. At least from what I've experienced so far.

Also, when you walk across a bridge, you have to pay attention on whether you can right then or not. The bridges fold up to let big boats and such cross through. I'll try to get a picture someday of the when bridge is up. It's pretty cool.

In my happy place- A coffee shop! With books, papers, and pens

2. Me! I am different for having moved here. For beginning a life here. This city is changing parts of me, and I'd like to think that I'm going to change parts of the city as well. It's a lot of growing up, but I'm finding it to be the most wonderful adventure of them all.
I think they look like faces


3. Outlets. Weird, right? But every outlet I've seen so far is upside down... Or is everyone else's outlets upside down....
I have to rethink plugging anything into the outlet twice because I'm not used to it yet.
 4. Air Conditioning- there is none. It's so nice outside that people just leave their windows open for the fresh air to circulate, and close the windows if they want to be warmer. And then the floors have heaters, which always say "Please conserve" or "Please be mindful of the environment."

 5. Public Restrooms. At most places you can't even use them unless you are a paying customer. And then if so, you have to ask the worker, the waiter, or someone managing the place for a code that unlocks the bathroom.

6. Artwork in everyday life. It seems that every building, every inch of everything in Seattle is viewed as some kind of canvas that can either convey an artistic opinion, thought, inspiration, or message. I love that. It makes the little things that much more fun for me. This is by the bridge from the first picture, and if you can't tell, they've used lighting to create an image of Rapunzel in the tower.

"You are exactly where you are supposed to be" - my Dove chocolate message.

Why thank you, chocolate. I couldn't agree more.


  1. Amber! Keep on rockin' Seattle girl! I know you'll live your life oh so happily there and you may never want to leave!!!

  2. did you know that my school is right under that bridge? crazy. you must be living in freemont!
