Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Life in Seattle: What are the odds? (day13-15)

My favorite notebook
 This morning while standing at my bus stop before the start of my work day, a tree attacked me... Yep.

The bus pulled up, everyone formed the regular line, and just as I was getting onto the bus a huge branch snapped off of a tree over the stop and whacked most of my body, including all of my arm. It was really bizarre. I think some of the smaller branches with it hit some of the other people, but I took the worst. I don't think my brain has fully processed it yet, and it sure didn't then. I just stopped and stared at the bus, and everyone on the bus and around me was saying things like "Oh my gosh are you okay??"  (told you people in Seattle are SO nice) and the bus driver asked me if I was hurt and needed him to call someone.

Now, if you know me at all, you know that even if such a strange event would have caused my physical death, I still would have managed to die of embarrassment before the injury got to me. So I laughed it off, stepped onto the bus with everyone watching, and said, "Well that was weird right?" to everyone on the bus. Then I took my seat, and had an otherwise quite normal day.

My apologies for the long story, but it really is funny (other than the fact that my body now feels like someone took a crowbar to it) and it got me to thinking....

What are the odds?

So obviously that branch was an accident waiting to happen, but what were the odds that it happened to me? And yes, strange things like this usually tend to happen to me. It's rather unfortunate.

But then that got me to think about all of the odds that you deal with when you fully pursue your passions. Especially in the arts, especially in the performing arts- the odds are stacked against you.

Only the most awesome uncle ever would mail this to me

In some ways, to pursue your dreams despite the odds is like walking out to the bus stop every day and wishing for that branch of opportunity, for that magical piece of luck to slap you in the face and change your life for forever.... What are the odds, right?

Well in my case, I seem to be that minority. And I decided to myself today that if being in that minority, defying all of those odds, means that I also tend to be in the minority that gets attacked by random trees every now and then, well, that's quite all right.

Because I think for every piece of luck, every bit of a blessing, and every branch of opportunity that flies your way, there will sooner or later (and inevitably I'm afraid) be some piece of something unfortunate fly your way. And when that happens, I hope that you can
1. Take it
2. Laugh it off
3. Keep on moving to where you were going in the first place

May you endure the unfortunate things that fly into your life in preparation and hopes for all of the good things that will gently land into your hands

Content Dictates Form
Less is More
God is in the Details
-all in the service of-
-without which nothing else matters-

- Stephen Sondheim-

1 comment:

  1. Keep your head up girlie! Even if the odds are stacked against you, grasp them, throw them to the ground, and stomp on them before you continue on with your chin held high to whatever obstacle you meet! You can do it!
