Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Middle: Day 2

Sign in our hotel's breakfast area- all too perfect
 Today marked Day 2 of the journey to Seattle. Or, also known as the "Middle" of the trip.

It was a good start to the day with a run to Starbucks (naturally) and this sign greeting us in our hotel.
Have a look at some awesome scenery- because we did!
Beautiful church across our hotel

Wyoming mountains

Utah mountains

Utah again

How else can I say it? While today's drive was absolutely breath-taking, there was something about it that felt much more exhausting than Day 1. And we traveled longer and further on Day 1. It got me to thinking about the whole "Middle" concept...

Take this trip, for example- We're going to make it from Coweta to Seattle in 3 days. Day 1 had all the excitement of beginning the much anticipated adventure, and looking forward to all that has been in the making for weeks/months/possibly even years. On Day 1, you're also rested to travel.

And then there's Day 3, which will be the final day of our road tripping. We'll be super excited to cross over into the Washington border, and hit Seattle just in time for a lovely dinner off the pier and such. It has a sense of finality to it with the finish line in sight. It's the final boost of energy before end.

So...What about the middle?

The initial excitement and momentum is lost, and the finish line is not going to be in sight for quite some time. It's enough to make anyone feel restless.
I think that's how life is sometimes. We are constantly moving through separate stages of life that have their own beginnings, middles, and endings, to loop back to a new beginning once again. It's easy to become discouraged during the middle, even losing sight of where you were headed in the first place.

That makes it quite difficult to enjoy the Middle.

So today when I was feeling tired and cranky, I tried to remind myself of some things about the poor Middle that no one seems to care for (it has feelings too): 

1. Stop focusing on how it doesn't feel like you're getting anywhere. Feel the momentum and action you're taking. And look up. Because even though you might be in the middle of nothing, you might also just find yourself surrounded by glorious mountains.

2. Enjoy the Middle. Savor it. Think about how many middles are really the best parts after all like- the cream in oreos, the moment after you realize someone's given you a gift but before you know what it is, the middle of a great hug, the chocolate candies with your favorite filling inside, and perhaps the middle of a great conversation- when people usually open up to one another.

These are the things that essentially fill our lives- the calm in between storms, the simplicity of doing nothing.

~I hope that you not only make it through the middles, but that you truly enjoy them~


My travel log resets at 1,000, so that would make today 692 miles
Umm... WHAT in the BACON?!

Soo funny story. When we made it to Boise, ID, we stopped at Denny's (practically one of the only things to eat in the city, which is odd since it's state of Idaho's capitol?! ...You would expect more.

Denny's advertized for a sundae with breakfast style maple syrup and sprinkled with lots of bacon. I interviewed our waiter for quite some time and here's what he had to say about this <summarized> ------------------------>

-Yep. It's vanilla icecream, just like in a sundae right? But we add syrup and bacon. Just like the sign says.
- Yes, I'm for real. We really do make them.
-It's really not a joke. Seriously.
-Oh yeah plenty of people come in here and order them all the time.
- Out of all the people who have ordered it, I've never heard or seen someone that didn't like it. 
-Why do you want one? Because I'll get you one.
-If you don't like it I'll buy it for you. On the house.

Needless to say, I couldn't stomach the idea of it. In retrospect I should've said yes to him (I mean why not try?..if nothing else for a good story) but I just can't get past the idea of it. IS THIS NORMAL? DO PEOPLE REALLY EAT THESE?


  1. Thank you for this post. I've woke up fretting about the middle this morning and then read your words. You are a very wise woman and your thoughts touched my soul. Bless you on your journey! dawn

  2. Bacon makes everything better....

    Dad [img][/img]

  3. Um...I"m all for trying new things. Really. I am. But bacon on my ice cream? I'll put that in the category with things that just don't need to be tried. Just because someone made it up, doesn't mean I need to experience it. Eww...but to each his own. :-)thanks for the smile!


  4. It just takes some time.
    Little girl middle of the ride.
    Everything, everything'll be
    Just fine! Everything, everything'll
    be alright, alright!

  5. oops... "Little girl, You're in the middle of the ride!"***

    correction for the previous comment.
