Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Beginning: Day 1

Today kicked off Day 1 of my roadtrip to WA for this new chapter of my life. It was definitely weird to count all the "last times" I would do something before moving across the country (from playing video games with the younger sisters to petting the family dogs to the simple moments like grabbing one last slice of my mom's homemade banana bread early this morning yumm and then to eventually catching one last glimpse of my home in the rearview mirror).
Then we were off! I am so blessed to be able to take my Mom with me for this journey. Here are some of the pics from today.
I got up before 7am to cram every last bit of stuff I could into my car. Thankfully, most of it fit.
one last picture before leaving
Real World's Tetris Game
Entering Kansas

And..This is about the extent of what Kansas is- FLAT

Then we arrived in Colorado- and big bears?

Colorado Sunset

Worth all the hours of driving

Travel log for the day- 838 miles? I'll take it :)

I just have to say, the longest I've ever driven for a trip was maybe 2-3 hours tops. Whenever I thought about driving to Seattle, I would worry, thinking about how I've never driven this far- can I make it? Will I be okay? Will I get lost? Or will I get so turned around that I give up and turn back for home?...

Well today I drove more than 9 hours. And drumroll please.... Made it all the way from Coweta, OK to right past Cheyenne, WY! ...Yep. That's driving through Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, and Wyoming. Pretty sweet. And kind of symbolic in some ways.

For in those 14 hours, I learned:

1. Just because you've never done something before, doesn't mean that you can't do it now
2. Kansas is extremely boring to drive through
3. Life is so much more rich and enjoyable when you travel with the right person
4. We are stronger than we believe, braver than we sometimes dream, and far more capable of things beyond our past experiences than we usually imagine.


5. Even if we ever do get turned around, there are people in our lives who will turn you around, pat you on the back, and say, "Don't stop. Keep chasing the dream."

So here's to your dreams (and mine too!). Keep on chasing and living them.


  1. Amber,
    I know I haven't known you long or gotten the chance to ever hang with you anywhere but work but you are the most insightful and inspiring person I have ever met! I hope you get the best in life because I know you will strive for it and reach your goals and dreams!
    Drive safe!

  2. I know you don't feel that you are ready to grow up, but after spending the day traveling with you yesterday, I must tell are grown up! I am so very proud of how responsible & dependable you are. My favorite thing, though, I must admit, is that I laughed more than I thought possible while driving through 4 states! I love you & let's get on the road again! Mom

  3. Amber, I hope you don't mind, but your mom shared your blogspot with me and I want you to know, I enjoyed the first leg of my virtual trip with you two. Sheri, You have a remarkable daughter. Thank you for inviting me to share in your adventure. Prayers for a safe journey as you venture into your future. Blessings as you go.

  4. Amber, so glad to keep up with you on your journey. Sounds like you and your mom are having some pretty special one-on-one time. Some of the best laughs Gary and I ever had were when we drove through Kansas on our way to Colorado. I had never smelled anything like those feedlots and I hope never to again! :-)

