Thursday, March 31, 2011

To live would be an awfully big adventure...

I graduate college in five weeks, and my life is changing constantly with every passing second.

So Hello Blog World!
 ...Here I am- to stay in touch with you, to let you in, and to remind myself to zoom out once in awhile and see how beautiful life truly is (so on those days where I'm pulling out my hair and saying, "Why, Why, WHY?".. you can remind me of these things too).

This past week, Seattle Children's Theatre offered me an excellent internship position for this summer. (Can anyone say AHHHHHHHH!) So I'm packing my bags in two months to leave my home, my family, comfort,  my friends, and all that I know and begin a new chapter of my life.

I've dreamed of working for this theatre for years, and dreamed of moving to Seattle for even longer. Honestly, it's surreal. I keep thinking, "Is this happening?? Am I really going to move to Seattle in two months?" I keep checking my inbox over and over just to re-read the email to make sure. And then I smile.

And then I cry.

Blame it on the femaleness <insert shaking fists> curse youuuu emotions! Blame it on stress, blame it on anything.

I think it's growing pains....
....Okay Okay, so my body stopped growing a long time ago (I'm not so certain I actually had any growth spurts), but I think the other parts of us never stop growing, never stop changing. And it's good, but it hurts. And we know it will be okay, but that doesn't really stop the pain, or that awkward adjustment and settling into new feelings, new situations, and all of the different things we experience each year, each month, each day.

I'm adjusting. And it's uncomfortable, exciting, terrifying, painful, and wonderful.
And sometimes that's just too many emotions to feel at once.

So thank you. For those nights where we sit in peace with hot tea and twizzlers, for the hugs, for the silence, for the listening, for helping me pack my precious belongings away, for loving me through the ups and the downs, for helping me balance the excitement of my future to the terror of all these changes.... for going through these growing pains with me.

Whether you are by my side (or in my heart) I believe in my dreams, and I believe in yours too. And when you think about it like that, nothing is impossible.

"Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting."
- Peter Pan

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