Monday, June 6, 2011

Life in Seattle: Day 1

New pajamas :)
The Pier
I must admit, I'm falling in love with Seattle all over again.
The weather the food the view the atmosphere the life the excitement!
I'll let the pictures speak for themselves (and boy, are there going to be a lot of them).
Mine, Mine bird

It has given me so much peace to just breathe in Seattle. It's the "Oh rightttt. That's why I've wanted to live here. That's why this is my dream. That's why I'm risking so much to do this" moment for me. So with that being said, I think the things I can share today are:

Benefit to Seattle- always live music in the market
 1. Sometimes in the journey of chasing our dreams, it's easy to forget why we were chasing those dreams in the first place... Well I say, go ahead and stop. Breathe in what ignited your passions in the first place, allow yourself a moment to remember what's important to you and why. I think 80% of chasing your dreams is composed of the act of actually chasing them. And that's the beautiful thing because...

2. When you're pursuing the right kind of happiness for you, you will enjoy the getting there just as much as the being there. And shouldn't you?

For perhaps we never truly "reach" our dreams. Perhaps while still living in this world there is no final line you cross, which would ultimately end all of your motivation and permitting you to live the rest of your life goal-less. And then? What's the point?

Life is all about the getting there, the journey and not the end, the traveling and not the destination. Instead of a finish line, we reach milestones. And when you look at it that way, our dreams don't seem quite so impossible. We can reach marks we didn't know we had the stamina for, and then we can build another one, and another one, and another one.....

3. So don't stop dreaming. Or believing that you can make it. Pace yourself. Smell the flowers. Take in the scenery. Make some running buddies. Jog alone. Do it all. Because when you dream big, you are already placing yourself on a track destined to be grand.

The infamous gum wall!
 As for me, this Sleepless in Seattle birdie needs to get some zzzs. Adventuring does, after all, require some rest every now and then.

"Though we travel over the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

BEST plus to Seattle- you can buy any one of these bouquets for a mere $10. Yes, I'm serious.

Fresh fruit and veggies

Fish market at Pike's Place

View from the pier


  1. Gorgeous, grew up in southern Oregon love the west coast.
    Got some friends in redmond.

  2. ARRGH now I miss Seattle and the west coast SO much!!! But I'm so glad you made it and are having a great time sofar! There will be many, many good times ahead!

  3. Makes me want to fly up there and take you sight-seeing on Whidbey Island! Riding the ferry, going clam digging, running around fort casey. It's a fun Island to explore! I grew up there! Love, Barb :-)
