Sunday, July 3, 2011

Life in Seattle: Home (day23-26)

One of my favorite places
 Well... It is both awesome and weird to say that tomorrow morning marks one month since I packed up my car and left Oklahoma.

Seattle is beginning to feel like home, and I know that it will continue to more and more each day. Already I'm noticing that I'm not as nervous about taking buses everyday- in fact, I look forward to it now- and I've even had a couple of people ask me for directions around town (not that I could really help them at all...but if they asked me it means I at least kind of look like I know what I'm doing, right?).

Beignets.  Ohhhhh you haven't lived if you haven't had them
The other day while at work, someone asked me where my home was. And without even thinking about it I answered, Queen Anne. I didn't say, Oklahoma, Stillwater, or even Coweta. I said my home was here.

It's such an interesting phrase. It got me thinking...

 1. Home is perspective. It's relative. Where your heart is, where the ones you love are, where your car parks or your pillow and blankets (and teddy bear) sleep at night or where your clothes, books, and music sit while you're at work.

2. We have more than one home. In fact, I think we have several. And that's fabulous. Because then we can travel the world and feel like we're still at home. Home is when I'm at my parent's house, playing with my younger sisters, cooking dinner with my mom, listening to my brother's play music, and watching the dogs bark at nothing. Home is when I'm with my friends, listening to their awesome stories, complaining and venting about school and such, or just simply being with them. Home is whenever I plug my earbuds in and start my happiness playlist. Home is every theatre I performed in, spending countless of hours rehearsing in that space and making it my own each time. Home is my favorite restaurant, coffee shop, clothes store, or even the gas station I used continuously since I was 16. Home is everywhere.

3. You don't have to leave home behind. It's in your heart everywhere you go. All of that love, encouragement, belief, and prayers that others send your way go with you to the ends of your journey and then back again.

4. Home is you. So take yourself on a date. Spend some quiet time alone. You'll be surprised to realize how much you can learn about yourself in those moments. And I think when we feel connected to ourselves, it gives us peace, and after all, that's what the feeling of home is. Peace.

Besides, you'll probably learn that you're a pretty darn rowdy person to date. I took myself out to one of my favorite places so far in Seattle, 35th Street Bistro, and ate some delicious beignets (I had been dreaming about them for weeks). I see no reason why we can't take ourselves out on a date every so often.

 Okay fun explanation for this picture. So as I ventured through downtown and Fremont, there was this red, blood-like liquid scattered throughout the town's streets and walls... which definitely disturbed me.. and tons of people were walking around town in ripped up Thriller style clothes, hair, and make-up. And they wouldn't really talk to people. Turns out it was some kind of town festival like game or adventure or something (I never did find out). But I believe that it was some sort of scavenger hunt or game. They even walked and talked like zombies. This picture is to prove to you that I'm not making this up.

Alana's pretty awesome (and I can blame her for everything I mess up)

It was a lot of material
Alana and I are working on some panels for SCT's summer set. They're huge! We're having a blast and I can't wait for all of our adventures at SCT together.

I'll follow you into the park, through the jungle, through the dark
I never loved one like you
Ah Home
Let me come home
Home is wherever I'm with you

-Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros

1 comment:

  1. The Journey is your home...

    Dad (with popcorn)
