Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Life in Seattle: Q&A(day35-37)

 Things have definitely kicked off! We are in the middle of tech week for Wind in the Willows, many different show fittings from Mulan to Jungalbook to The Hobbit, and lots and lots of alterations for all of them (think adult sized clothes needing to fit super tiny 12 year olds).

SCT stage/ summer kid's set
 It's so much fun to see all of the differences between two states- like today in the theatre I got to tell everyone about Sonic and tornadoes while they told me all about good Asian food, like pho, and what earthquakes are like.

I get asked a lot of questions from everyone like strangers to my friends and family about my move here, my thoughts on the move, and what things are like back home (or here in Seattle) so I thought I'd do a little Question and Answers session with some of the things I get asked most frequently. But first- pictures!

SCT intern friends

So much mail = happiness

Cute mini shopping carts

OBSESSED with peanut butter- especially this kind

The many faces of blogging, according to my computer
 Q&A- most asked questions

1. How do you like Seattle and the weather?
So far, I love it! The weather is absolutely spectacular, and I love the rain and the grey skies. I don't miss the heat and humidity of Oklahoma at all, and am discovering that I was meant to be a cold weather type of person. The people are nice and there is an endless amount of things to explore, discover, and eat here.
 2. How do you like your job so far?
Again, so far, I love it! I am absolutely adoring being at the children's theatre, and all of the people I work for are so amazing, talented, passion, kind, and wonderful in their work and to each other. I am amazed. They've also been super patient with all of the million questions I ask about everything, so that's nice. What they do is truly magical, and I love being a part of it, no matter how small. I also love my other job, working in the market. Again, my boss is wonderful to me and it's astonishing to see how many different cultures and people from so many different countries come to Seattle for vacation or events. I've only been here a month and I feel like I've met more diverse people in this month than I have in my entire life.

3. You moved all the way from Oklahoma to Washington without knowing ANYONE here? Are you crazy?
 4. Do you miss home? Are you getting homesick?
Yes, I definitely miss home because of the people there. I miss my family and my friends so much and think about them constantly. My parents mean everything to me and there's nothing better than just being home, sitting around the living room with all the craziness that five kids bring to a house and having a cup of tea with my mom, or listening to my dad talk about one of the many things he gets passionate over. I miss being goofy with my sisters, and I miss the witty comebacks my brothers always throw around. If feeling this way means I am homesick, then yes, I will always be homesick for them.

5. What do you want to do next?
 Everything. (See previous blog post)

6. What are you most nervous about in Seattle?
Haha. Hmm so many things! Driving is pretty awful here. The streets are crazy and go from one way to three way to two way to super steep hills to blocked roads and more in the span of 100 feet. You really have to pay attention to what's going on, especially if you're not used to it like me. It's kind of a stressful ordeal, so I do my best to avoid driving here overall (I've only started my car maybe twice in the past month). I use buses instead! Which brings me to...
I am most nervous about leaving something on the bus. Think about it- you get off the bus, it's still in the seat- bam the bus is gone and there's no way you're going to catch it or that someone won't steal whatever you left behind. I double and triple check my things every time before I get off the bus.

7. Do you miss anything about Oklahoma?
Hmm besides the people, not much. I miss my piano and all the books I left behind so so much that it hurts. I miss seeing lightning bugs and horses everywhere. I do miss the calm roads whenever I drive here (but that's not much). I miss Sonic ice more than you can imagine, and also iced tea- no one seems to have it like you can find everywhere in the South. And if you have taken the time to read this, then chances are, I miss you too.

8. Do you think you'll stay in Seattle for awhile?
Who knows? I wouldn't have believed you if you'd told me a year ago that I would be living here now. Life is an unread book, an unchartered road, an unmapped adventure, a big unknown question (and some answers). I don't know where I'll be six months from now, one year from now, five years from now. And that's just excellent with me- I wouldn't have it any other way. I definitely love Seattle enough to make it my home, and it does offer the kind of things I need for what I love to do- so yes, it's a big possibility. But then again, when you're mind is open and your heart is adventurous- everything is a possibility.

Please keep up lots of questions- I'll answer them, perhaps even in another post sometime. :)

"Not all who wander are lost" - Tolkien

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