Sunday, July 24, 2011

Lost Things (day50)

Tinkerbell loses this treasure and embarks on a search to find it,  a journey which ends up leading to her finding a best friend Terence, and inevitably, finding herself. Beautiful. (and  yes, she finds the treasure too)
I never realized just how much your life can change in fifty days. It is everything you would think, and more- exciting, terrifying, challenging, rewarding, and wonderful. I wouldn't have it any other way.

And I have to give myself some credit- I did make it fifty days without dying, without any emergencies, wrecks, disasters, without getting too lost...which brings me to-

Mulan show week
 I lost my checkbook. After carrying that thing around for more than six years, it's gone. And I will have a hard time accepting that for awhile.
I became the dress form for the kid's sizes
I'm not sure why, but not much gets to me so much as losing something. It's extremely difficult for me to let it go, I obsess over it and kick myself too much for it to be healthy (one time when I was younger I lost an important cd to me and I remember crying for several nights in a row because I was THAT upset.. so I'm a little better about these things now). And yes yes, I am retracing my steps, ripping through all of my stuff, and checking every space possible. But it looks like I'll be calling the bank tomorrow and dealing with all of that fun stuff... Did I mention my checks have beautiful sunflowers on them? Yes, well, those too are gone.

 The plus side? Well I can say that at least this happened on the weekend, which means that if some random person does have access to my account, the bank isn't open to clear those checks. So it looks like I'll at least close it before that happens. And believe you me, the second I close the account is probably two seconds before I see my checkbook, laying right in front of me in my apartment. Sigh.

"All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on." -Henry Ellis

Perhaps if we never lose things, then there's no room for us to discover new things, to gain the new. If you want to travel the world, then you have to learn to fit your home in a car or maybe just in a suitcase. Sometimes you don't even get that much room. 
Some journeys you must travel alone. 
 Sometimes we lose friendships or relationships so that we can find the people who are meant to be there.
Sometimes we lose part of our identity so that we can discover a part of us we didn't know was there before, a part that is even more brilliant, more glowing, more passionate than before.  

So when you do lose something, it's okay to grieve it. It's okay to be upset, to embrace every emotion that we feel. But it's also okay to realize that with each lost item, there comes a found item for the future.

Think of Tinkerbell! (come on, you KNEW I was going to pull her in sooner or later). In case you didn't know, Tinkerbell is a tinker fairy, and tinker fairies love searching for Lost Things (aka any random items that humans left behind or lost). Tinker fairies create new things out of those lost items. And sometimes, they even fix them and then put them back in hopes that the human will find it again. 
I truly believe that..
What's meant to be yours will always have a way of finding you again
Whether it be sunglasses, your cat, a friend, a job, your passion, your thirst for life, a soulmate, your keychain (I lost my keychain one January only to magically find it in a parking lot at OSU that April. And the flashlight still worked.)  Or your checkbook.

Maybe it won't be found in the way you thought or hoped. And it probably won't be in your timing.
But believe that it will happen.
...Maybe you'll find even happier checks.
Because when we lose something, then there's always something else to be gained. This is how we grow.
And that is definitely always better.

  "The greatest treasures are not gold, nor jewels, nor works of art. They cannot be held in your hands. They're held within your heart. For worldly things will fade away as seasons come and go. But the treasure of true friendship will never lose its glow."
- Tinkerbell and the Lost Treasure 

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