Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Life in Seattle: Fairytales (day16-22)

 Wow sorry it's been a week! I've been so busy working, and am happy to report, loving every second of it. :) Which brings me to say...

Once upon a time... many years ago... a girl started dreaming about Seattle, moving there, and even bigger than that, stepping into the Seattle Children's Theatre to be a part of their magic.

The International Fountain right outside the theatre- perfect spot for lunch
 Once upon a time...one year ago... a girl visited Seattle for the first time, fell in love, and stood inside the Seattle Children's Theatre for the first time and said to herself, "I will work here someday." Little did she realize....

Three weeks ago, she moved here.
One day ago, she walked into that building to work.

But I have to say that for all of those once upon a times, those dreams felt like fairytales inside of my head. Just pretty ideas. And sometimes I don't know whether to laugh or cry (or perhaps a little bit of both) looking back and seeing how far I have gone, in so many ways.

(ten feet from the theatre) THEY HAVE CANDY STORES

 1. Dare to believe in the impossibilities, the fairytales. Who says they're just for movies? I believe that if our minds can imagine it, then it can be so.

2. It doesn't end with a happily ever after. It doesn't end at all, in fact. It just keeps going. You can keep exploring fairytale after fairytale.

Yesterday I stood on the stage at SCT for the first time, and I said to myself, "I will act here someday." My adventures only begin with the getting here, and so do yours, wherever you are.

3. There will be dragons, unfortunate events, evil stepmothers, cruellas, evil stepsisters, getting on the wrong bus, witches disguised under free delicious apples, tree branches falling on you, a shattered glass slipper and many Hooks you will get tangled in. But don't let that stop you because...

Just one of the MANY shop spaces at SCT
4. There will be faithful owners searching for you, little people who believe in you, friends who skype you from across the country, the other glass slipper, a Prince fighting for your love, fairy godmothers, a family who sends their love, and little bits of pixie dust scattered throughout your world.

All you have to do is look for it and believe, and you will see the fairytales that are already there come to life.

"There is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. I'll always be with you." - Winnie the Pooh

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Life in Seattle: What are the odds? (day13-15)

My favorite notebook
 This morning while standing at my bus stop before the start of my work day, a tree attacked me... Yep.

The bus pulled up, everyone formed the regular line, and just as I was getting onto the bus a huge branch snapped off of a tree over the stop and whacked most of my body, including all of my arm. It was really bizarre. I think some of the smaller branches with it hit some of the other people, but I took the worst. I don't think my brain has fully processed it yet, and it sure didn't then. I just stopped and stared at the bus, and everyone on the bus and around me was saying things like "Oh my gosh are you okay??"  (told you people in Seattle are SO nice) and the bus driver asked me if I was hurt and needed him to call someone.

Now, if you know me at all, you know that even if such a strange event would have caused my physical death, I still would have managed to die of embarrassment before the injury got to me. So I laughed it off, stepped onto the bus with everyone watching, and said, "Well that was weird right?" to everyone on the bus. Then I took my seat, and had an otherwise quite normal day.

My apologies for the long story, but it really is funny (other than the fact that my body now feels like someone took a crowbar to it) and it got me to thinking....

What are the odds?

So obviously that branch was an accident waiting to happen, but what were the odds that it happened to me? And yes, strange things like this usually tend to happen to me. It's rather unfortunate.

But then that got me to think about all of the odds that you deal with when you fully pursue your passions. Especially in the arts, especially in the performing arts- the odds are stacked against you.

Only the most awesome uncle ever would mail this to me

In some ways, to pursue your dreams despite the odds is like walking out to the bus stop every day and wishing for that branch of opportunity, for that magical piece of luck to slap you in the face and change your life for forever.... What are the odds, right?

Well in my case, I seem to be that minority. And I decided to myself today that if being in that minority, defying all of those odds, means that I also tend to be in the minority that gets attacked by random trees every now and then, well, that's quite all right.

Because I think for every piece of luck, every bit of a blessing, and every branch of opportunity that flies your way, there will sooner or later (and inevitably I'm afraid) be some piece of something unfortunate fly your way. And when that happens, I hope that you can
1. Take it
2. Laugh it off
3. Keep on moving to where you were going in the first place

May you endure the unfortunate things that fly into your life in preparation and hopes for all of the good things that will gently land into your hands

Content Dictates Form
Less is More
God is in the Details
-all in the service of-
-without which nothing else matters-

- Stephen Sondheim-

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Life in Seattle: Past presents Future (day10-12)

I work inside here. YES
 It is breath-taking to look back four years ago, one year ago, four months ago, four weeks ago, even four days ago, and realize how much life can change in that time period, how much you can change.

In five days, I have gone from settling into my apartment and walking around Seattle and riding my first bus, to receiving a job and working for the first time in Pike's Place Market. .... THAT'S CRAZY!

And it only gives me more peace.
Peace is not something I've had much of in the past year. I was constantly worried and wondering if I had made a mistake choosing to pursue my passions over worldly common sense. Would I think I had made a mistake? Would I have regrets? I've dreamed many things that felt so out of reach and I questioned myself much (as everyone does in a season of change) in the transitional time of my senior year at college.
Ah the original Starbucks, again, right outside my work
I was so unsure.

And now- here I am. And it's more than I could have ever dreamed.

And I'm still uncertain of so many things, things involving the future and eventually the next transitional phases in life.

So when I sat down to have a coffee (at the original Starbucks, mind you) before I walked into my first day at work in the one and only Pike's Place Market, it hit me-all of that peace and understanding, because of how much I was unsure of one year ago when I was in Seattle and seeing the market for the first time, and how now within just one year- I am living one of my biggest dreams by being and working here.

And these are the things I decided (and felt) with even more peace.

1. I don't know is a beautiful answer. And an okay one too.
In fact, it's great, not needing to know how things will work out- but instead, listening to that voice inside, doing it, and trusting God that what will be, will be.

2. Do look back. And often. It makes the unkown so much easier to see how far you have come, how beautiful life pieces together in mysterious ways, and how lovely those traces that follow behind you are. They are the fuel for the unknown future.

3. Embrace the unknown. It is where you grow the most, learn the most, and become the most.

Whatever unknown you're facing, you can make it. And you will. (Please remind me of this too)

"All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The cutest little shop- my job!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Life in Seattle: The Differences (day8&9)

The bridge I walk across everyday
 Since I'm practically across the country from home, I thought I'd share some things that are different here than they are in Oklahoma (and most other places I've been to for that matter).

1. The weather! Everyone says that Seattle is rainy and dreary, and okay, yes, the skies are mostly grey and it is much colder here, but it's absolutely gorgeous as well. NO HUMIDITY. None. And the air feels so fresh. And the rain is not like a huge storm in Ok, more like a drizzly rain that goes off and on. At least from what I've experienced so far.

Also, when you walk across a bridge, you have to pay attention on whether you can right then or not. The bridges fold up to let big boats and such cross through. I'll try to get a picture someday of the when bridge is up. It's pretty cool.

In my happy place- A coffee shop! With books, papers, and pens

2. Me! I am different for having moved here. For beginning a life here. This city is changing parts of me, and I'd like to think that I'm going to change parts of the city as well. It's a lot of growing up, but I'm finding it to be the most wonderful adventure of them all.
I think they look like faces


3. Outlets. Weird, right? But every outlet I've seen so far is upside down... Or is everyone else's outlets upside down....
I have to rethink plugging anything into the outlet twice because I'm not used to it yet.
 4. Air Conditioning- there is none. It's so nice outside that people just leave their windows open for the fresh air to circulate, and close the windows if they want to be warmer. And then the floors have heaters, which always say "Please conserve" or "Please be mindful of the environment."

 5. Public Restrooms. At most places you can't even use them unless you are a paying customer. And then if so, you have to ask the worker, the waiter, or someone managing the place for a code that unlocks the bathroom.

6. Artwork in everyday life. It seems that every building, every inch of everything in Seattle is viewed as some kind of canvas that can either convey an artistic opinion, thought, inspiration, or message. I love that. It makes the little things that much more fun for me. This is by the bridge from the first picture, and if you can't tell, they've used lighting to create an image of Rapunzel in the tower.

"You are exactly where you are supposed to be" - my Dove chocolate message.

Why thank you, chocolate. I couldn't agree more.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Life in Seattle: My Chapter (day6&7)

Ahh books
I am officially moved in and beginning my own adventures here.
Early this morning I took my mom to the airport, and it was one of the weirdest things to do. To watch her get out of my car and leave, realizing that it is just me and the city now. So thus begins..

Chapter 1: Love
I just had to buy the Onward Starbucks book, and I must tell you that so far it has been an excellent read, better than I had imagined. The first part of the book is called Love, and I think that's fitting for the book, and fitting for my life right now as well.

I am experiencing love in so many new ways right now. I have fallen in love with a city across the country and have left my home and everything safe and consistent to risk it all for this love.

I have fallen in love with theatre, and am also pursing that. Theatre, much like all arts, is a risky business. It has extreme highs and lows, and it's said that only the insane can truly choose this lifestyle.

My relationship with people has also been more loving. Our friends, our family, and our relationships are the cords that bind us throughout so much distance. They are the things that get us through the venting, the bad days, the celebrations, and all the change. I have been blessed to have so many wonderful, talented, and giving people in my life, and I see that more now than ever before.

I hope you pursue love in every way with everything that you have. There will be highs, there will be lows. There will be pain and suffering, but there will be dancing. And I believe that in the end, the dancing is what ends the night anyway.

Here are some little pieces of Onward to persuade you to buy it too :)

My Seattle flowers
"There are moments in our lives when we summon the courage to make choices that go against reason, against common sense and the wise counsel of people we trust. But we lean forward nonetheless because, despite all risks and rational argument, we believe that the path we are choosing is the right and best thing to do. We refuse to be bystanders, even if we do not know exactly where our actions will lead. This is the kind of passionate conviction that sparks romances, wins battles, and drives people to pursue dreams others wouldn't dare. Belief in ourselves and in what is right catapults us over hurdles, and our lives unfold."

Friday, June 10, 2011

Life in Seattle: The Little Things (day5)

Smell good things- yum
 Today's adventures involved: riding the buses for the first time, experimenting with the bus system, learning the bus system, walking around Seattle like a true resident, and interviewing for some jobs.

The more I'm here, the more peace I have. The more I feel like I understand my purpose in life more, even though I'm really only beginning to figure things out.

The road trip? Was fun. Moving into my apartment? Pretty awesome. Orientation with the theatre? Inspiring. But really, it's all of those little, nonsense things that add up to fill life with peace and happiness.
How carts travel. With lots of signs stating children can't ride that part (I can't imagine why...)

So today I dedicate my blog to the little things. 
The things that make you giggle, feel at ease, give you comfort, rest, peace, or little bursts of happiness.

~I hope you enjoy the little things in life~
Figuring out the bus systems

In Seattle?? Yesss

"i thank god for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees & for the blue dreams of sky & for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes."
- e.e. cummings

Love it. Must. Go. Here

Good music

Seattle Rep Theatre

Intiman Theatre

My first Seattle flowers- and drum roll please.....Cost= $5

Seattle: Moving In (day4)

My apartment and keys :)
 It's official- I live in Seattle!
Living room
 What more can I say?

A special shout-out to my parents. Without them, there is absolutely NO way I could be doing any of these things. They have supported me in every way possible since I was born, and have encouraged me to follow every dream I believed in.I know I keep saying this, but I am blessed beyond measure.

"There are two lasting bequests we can give our children.  One is roots.  The other is wings."  ~Hodding Carter, Jr.
A must-have for all fridges
Some things are completely worth the extra space :J

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Life in Seattle: Blessed (day3)

Starting out the day the right way
"time is a tree (this life one leaf)
but love is the sky and i am for you
just so long and long enough"
-e.e. cummings

Today was my first production meeting with the Seattle Children's Theatre and all I can say is............WOW.
The building, the facilities, the capacity, the art, the people, the possibilities.
They say that theatre attracts the best and worst people.
Well I am saying now that SCT has drawn the best of the best. I am so utterly blessed to get to work for them and cannot wait to see what the future holds.

Tomorrow= move in apartment day!... It's slowly sinking in. Here's to the unknown.

So in awe

Life in Seattle: Day 2

Space Needle, standing at 605ft tall
 After all the hard work of getting here, we decided to just hit downtown and do whatever felt right, whatever called us. We ended up eating in the top of the Space Needle. It's absolutely gorgeous. You sit in the very top of the needle, and the restaurant slowly rotates so that you get a complete 360 view of the Puget Sound and downtown. It was raining and the sky was gray and just perfect for viewing.

Later we went scouting through bits of downtown, just looking around. We found some awesome shops and just enjoyed being there.

Tomorrow marks my orientation day at Seattle Children's Theatre. So excited for the adventures, stories, memories, people, art, and possibilities that it brings. Just think-- more than two years ago this theatre became my dream theatre to work for/with/ do anything with. One year ago I visited Seattle and the theatre for the first time, and it only confirmed those dreams more. And tomorrow? Well, I will walk into those buildings as a future part of that theatre, however big or small my role may be.

All I can really do is stand in awe of that. So my only thought for today is:
1. When you dream, dream big.
And then when that dream seems less impossible, dream bigger. Shoot for the moon, but not because if you miss you'll "land among the stars." Shoot for the moon because once you make it there, you can shoot for places no one even knows about yet.
Our view from the table

 You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go.
And when things start to happen, don’t worry. Don’t stew. Just go right along. You’ll start happening too.
-Dr. Seuss 

AMAZING food and experience

On the observation deck

Perfect Day

Monday, June 6, 2011

Life in Seattle: Day 1

New pajamas :)
The Pier
I must admit, I'm falling in love with Seattle all over again.
The weather the food the view the atmosphere the life the excitement!
I'll let the pictures speak for themselves (and boy, are there going to be a lot of them).
Mine, Mine bird

It has given me so much peace to just breathe in Seattle. It's the "Oh rightttt. That's why I've wanted to live here. That's why this is my dream. That's why I'm risking so much to do this" moment for me. So with that being said, I think the things I can share today are:

Benefit to Seattle- always live music in the market
 1. Sometimes in the journey of chasing our dreams, it's easy to forget why we were chasing those dreams in the first place... Well I say, go ahead and stop. Breathe in what ignited your passions in the first place, allow yourself a moment to remember what's important to you and why. I think 80% of chasing your dreams is composed of the act of actually chasing them. And that's the beautiful thing because...

2. When you're pursuing the right kind of happiness for you, you will enjoy the getting there just as much as the being there. And shouldn't you?

For perhaps we never truly "reach" our dreams. Perhaps while still living in this world there is no final line you cross, which would ultimately end all of your motivation and permitting you to live the rest of your life goal-less. And then? What's the point?

Life is all about the getting there, the journey and not the end, the traveling and not the destination. Instead of a finish line, we reach milestones. And when you look at it that way, our dreams don't seem quite so impossible. We can reach marks we didn't know we had the stamina for, and then we can build another one, and another one, and another one.....

3. So don't stop dreaming. Or believing that you can make it. Pace yourself. Smell the flowers. Take in the scenery. Make some running buddies. Jog alone. Do it all. Because when you dream big, you are already placing yourself on a track destined to be grand.

The infamous gum wall!
 As for me, this Sleepless in Seattle birdie needs to get some zzzs. Adventuring does, after all, require some rest every now and then.

"Though we travel over the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

BEST plus to Seattle- you can buy any one of these bouquets for a mere $10. Yes, I'm serious.

Fresh fruit and veggies

Fish market at Pike's Place

View from the pier