I can't tell you how many times I get asked about the world of theatre, what it's like, why I do it..
But nothing compares to the amount of questions and intrigue over the audition process to non-theatre people.
So I'll let you know.
Auditions are like what I imagine to be blind dates. Meeting up with someone you've read about online through a matching service.
You know maybe a little about them, but maybe not. You meet them, desperate for a successful date and desperate for things to go well. You spend large amounts of time getting ready- do I look good? Should I wear the blue dress with the black tights or the black dress with the tall boots? You spend countless thoughts on it, maybe feeling nervous, anxious, excited, a little bit of all. And you prepare yourself to meet someone you've never met before, be completely vulnerable and open to them, show them everything you've got, and then leave the date without the slightest hint of whether he (or she) likes you or not (oh yeah.. you're probably going to have to pick up the tab too).
Oh sure, you go back home and analyze over and over- should I have spoken first? Was I too quiet? Was I too myself? I think I might have laughed too much. I think they liked me. But what if they didn't like me and I think they did and my perception of people is wrong? (Insert more analyzing to your heart's content).
And then you wait.
Maybe you'll hear back, maybe you won't. Maybe they loved you, maybe they hated you. Maybe they didn't give you a second thought. You are the teenage girl, glancing at your phone and checking your email in hopes that something pops up. That someone wants to give you a chance.
But wait! Not only are you going to a blind date set up for you, but there are 50 women, maybe even more, lined up out the door hoping for the same chances you want with the same person. And there can only be one. And everyone is looking at you, sizing each other up, comparing themselves and each other. Some people are ready to psyche you out in the instant that you give over and smile at them. Some are waiting to crush you. Some already are crushing you with their minds. And you must stay calm, loving, friendly (but not too overly friendly) and make the right impressions without trying to make an impression at all.
Because everytime you walk through those doors and meet someone new, you are hoping, wishing, expecting, and willing to put yourself out there in the chance that that person (or theatre company) is THE ONE.
But there's another catch, another secret- in theatre there's no such thing as "The One." You can meet someone, they can love you, you can fall in love with them, you can get cast in the perfect show in your dream role, and you already know the day that you're cast when that show and role will come to an end. And then your search begins all over again. Sometimes you're searching for the next one while still in a great running relationship with a show.
It's exhausting. It's heart-breaking. It's knowing that you'll never be completely settled. It's knowing that you must constantly put yourself out there and love everyone without knowing if theatre will ever love you back. It changes every day. Today you're brilliant, tomorrow people will whisper behind your back about how you EVER got cast. Today you're the nobody, tomorrow you're the new-found talent. You wake up everyday knowing you might end up being a little heart-broken, to pull it all together, smile, and do it again. And again. And again.
Because to fathom doing anything else with our lives, we realize, is unthinkable. It would be like sucking the air away from our lungs, the drive in our lives. And that part I can't explain to you. It's just there. And it's wonderful and ecstatic and terrible and wrenching all at the same time.
And yet I still believe in what we do.
Because that moment when it does click, that moment when one blind date leads to a relationship, there is nothing better than that feeling of happiness. It's having a sense of purpose. It's feeling that all is well even when life is a stormy mess outside.
To everyone non theatre and theatre- you are the reason theatre is alive and thriving. You are the reason art is alive and thriving. Don't stop asking questions, don't stop buying tickets, and don't stop embracing our world because our purpose is to embrace every single one of yours.
To all you theatre people, performers, and especially you actors- Here's to you enjoying each blind date regardless of the outcome. Here's to you finding happy, healthy relationships. Over and over again. And here's to your courage and dedication to do what you feel is right when the vampires in your head fill you with doubts and insecurities.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Making It
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courtesy of f/8.3 photography |
...and apologies for going a month without a post.
Time has been limited and sometimes I have to look into my planner to see where I can fit blocks for sleeping and eating (don't worry mom, I'm working on it!). I'm busy, you're busy, we're all busy, but that's old news. So let me catch you up on what is new.
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courtesy of f/8.3 photography |
These bridal photos are from a photoshoot for Twice Blushed from Amanda Vernell Studio (visit twiceblushed.com for more info). She re-makes GORGEOUS gowns from vintage dresses so that women can wear their mother's, grandmother's, etc. dress but with a modern twist or alterations.
So huge props to her and f/8.3 photography in Seattle. All of these photos belong to f/8.3 photography and you should definitely check out them at www.f83photo.com, become their fan on facebook and all that jazz.
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courtesy of f/8.3 photography |
I had so much fun working on this shoot despite that it was early in the morning and FREEZING cold weather in Seattle. My arms and hands were numb for awhile afterwards, but it was well worth it and I'm glad to say I'd get up extra early and stand in cold weather anytime to get to work with these amazing people.
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courtesy of f/8.3 photography |
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courtesy of f/8.3 photography |
Moritz and Wendla, cemetary BFFS |
In the meantime, I suppose what's been on my mind lately is the concept of making it. Most people, especially those in the arts, can be extremely focused on the need to make it in their field of art.
But what is making it?
To be a star? To be famous? To have paparazzi chasing you at the grocery store? To have lots of money? To have others envious of your popularity?
Because if that's making it, then I'm definitely headed in the wrong direction. And if it is what I do want, then I'll probably be chasing ideas and jumping through endless hoops for the rest of my life without ever making it.
I think making it is...
to be happy
to be fulfilled
to have a purpose
to affect others in a positive way, in whatever means of talent and work i can use
to enjoy life at the end of the day
to enjoy life at the beginning of the day
to be proud of what I do and stand firm in that
to follow my dreams, create my own dreams, and attempt to dive into that huge percentage of our talents/ brains that statistics claim we don't tap into
to dare to be who I am in a world that throws statistics, doubts, insults, disbelief, loneliness, insecurity, and fear my way
Wendla and Martha= The Ambers |
I think making it is relative. I think I've already made it.
"Think of the future as a bowl of fresh milk with sugar and cinnamon. One man spills it and cries, the other one churns it and sweats. Why not skim the cream off? - Or don't you think we could learn how?... Maybe, when we look back on an afternoon like this thirty years from now, it will seem indescribably nice. And now it's happening without any effort at all." - Spring Awakening
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Bedrest Catch-up
Twice Blushed Pocket Garters for Halloween- order one! |
Whether it was the cold weather, exhaustion, stress from the previous month, too much going and not enough resting, or a combination of them all, it's here. Thankfully it's happened on my two days off from work (or is that why it happened now?) hm.
Anyway since I'm stuck with a delirious head, my bottle of Nyquil, and trying to catch up on some rest, thought I'd catch you up on my life. There's been a couple of changes.
1. Job change
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I got cast in my first post college/ real world production! We've been in rehearsal for a couple of weeks now and there's nothing better than being back around theatre people and working on a show. Love it. I feel so blessed and grateful for this opportunity and I know it will always hold a special place in my heart for being my first "real world" show.
In case you're interested, we are doing Spring Awakening by Frank Wedekind and I am playing Wendla. Beautiful, beautiful play. The show goes up in November and it's all thanks to (and through) Local Jewel Productions, a newer theatre company in Seattle. You can read all about it through the Local Jewel Productions facebook page, or by www.localjewel.com
3. Bridal Work
Me not being sick |
Between work and rehearsal, I am also SO unbelievably fortunate to get to work for Amanda Vernell studio, the creator of Twice Blushed. I met and worked for the owner through Seattle Children's Theatre this past summer and now I am getting to be a part of her magic.
Twice Blushed is a concept that involves taking a vintage dress that's been worn before (say you're getting married and want to wear your mother or grandmother's dress, etc) and altering it in some way so that it fits you, is a little more modern, suits your wedding, or becomes a completely new dress if you want. The stories behind the women's lives and these dresses is absolutely breath-taking, and I am in heaven surrounded by all of these beautiful things.
Right now I am doing some marketing/PR/social networking for the company, and dipping my toes in the sewing process (and modeling) whenever I can. FUN! I'm in love.
They hold all your small stuff= nifty |
To stay updated and get a glimpse of all of the magic, you can become a fan of Twice Blushed on facebook, check out www.twiceblushed.com, or www.twiceblushed.blogspot.com where I'll be doing some of the updates, blogging, and such.
Protest I have to stand in everyday for my bus stop |
Until then, Amberlees taking a break from adventuring, but just for a day or two.
"Sometimes the most urgent thing you can possibly do is take a complete rest"
Friday, September 30, 2011
Umbrellas (ellas ellas eh?)
She wasn't where she had been.
She wasn't where she was going.
but she was on her way.
One day in college I had a huge semester group project for a class. It was a LOT of work, and I wondered how we could get everything done when deadlines were so hectic (oh the planner that is me). One guy in my group (definitely a class clown) simply looked at me, shrugged, slipped into a half-smirk and said, "Well Amber when it rains it pours."
He was so comical with that cliche phrase, but I took it to heart. And still say it to myself nowadays, touched by his calm nature in the thick of chaos.
It has most definitely been pouring in my world for the last couple of months (pun intended). It's hard to not be overwhelmed, to feel nervous or frustrated or upset or afraid or... [insert every other emotion]. It feels like I'm about to be swept away any second, overcome and washed away, or maybe just soaked to the bone stuck in the same spot without a single ability to change that. I'm not going to pretend that I have any of the answers or secrets to any of it. It's just life.
Ohhh but you should... Dance in the rain! Sing in the rain! and blahblahblah Sure.
But sometimes we do need an umbrella.
Sometimes just to keep breathing is everything.
Sometimes it is about hanging on.
Nothing more and nothing less. Why do we belittle that notion? The idea that if we're not living something deeper than the act of hanging in there we're not living at all? (which yes, I agree with to a degree). But I also believe that to go through the motions is not to be frowned upon. To hang on during the storm is an accomplishment.
Someone marveled today at what I've done- moving across the country by myself to a state with no established family or friends. With just me, my car, and whatever fit inside. She called me one of the bravest, strongest souls she had ever met. I told her one of my deep secrets- that I don't feel brave or strong in the slightest. I never have. And she said
and that's exactly why you are the bravest soul.
I know that the rain is harsh. It is cold, it is wet, it slaps you in the face and destroys every ounce of control you thought you had over your hair.
I know that the rain is beautiful. It makes things grow. It provides life. It washes away the bad, and what's left standing at the end of the day is whoever you are. So hang in there. Buy an umbrella. Even if it's a cheap $5 black one you never envisioned having. There will be a more beautiful umbrella down the road. And by that point you might not even feel so desperate for one at all.
And for all those times I don't have an umbrella with me? Thanks for letting me stand under yours. I only hope I can repay your kindness.
The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain.
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
These fancy things, will never come in between
You're part of my entity, here for Infinity
When the war has took it's part
When the world has dealt it's cards
If the hand is hard, together we'll mend your heart
When the sun shines, we'll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be a friend
Took an oath I'll stick it out till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
- Rihanna
She wasn't where she was going.
but she was on her way.
One day in college I had a huge semester group project for a class. It was a LOT of work, and I wondered how we could get everything done when deadlines were so hectic (oh the planner that is me). One guy in my group (definitely a class clown) simply looked at me, shrugged, slipped into a half-smirk and said, "Well Amber when it rains it pours."
He was so comical with that cliche phrase, but I took it to heart. And still say it to myself nowadays, touched by his calm nature in the thick of chaos.
SCT's Harold and the Purple Crayon world premiere |
Ohhh but you should... Dance in the rain! Sing in the rain! and blahblahblah Sure.
But sometimes we do need an umbrella.
Sometimes just to keep breathing is everything.
Sometimes it is about hanging on.
Nothing more and nothing less. Why do we belittle that notion? The idea that if we're not living something deeper than the act of hanging in there we're not living at all? (which yes, I agree with to a degree). But I also believe that to go through the motions is not to be frowned upon. To hang on during the storm is an accomplishment.
Someone marveled today at what I've done- moving across the country by myself to a state with no established family or friends. With just me, my car, and whatever fit inside. She called me one of the bravest, strongest souls she had ever met. I told her one of my deep secrets- that I don't feel brave or strong in the slightest. I never have. And she said
and that's exactly why you are the bravest soul.
I know that the rain is beautiful. It makes things grow. It provides life. It washes away the bad, and what's left standing at the end of the day is whoever you are. So hang in there. Buy an umbrella. Even if it's a cheap $5 black one you never envisioned having. There will be a more beautiful umbrella down the road. And by that point you might not even feel so desperate for one at all.
And for all those times I don't have an umbrella with me? Thanks for letting me stand under yours. I only hope I can repay your kindness.
The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain.
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
These fancy things, will never come in between
You're part of my entity, here for Infinity
When the war has took it's part
When the world has dealt it's cards
If the hand is hard, together we'll mend your heart
When the sun shines, we'll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be a friend
Took an oath I'll stick it out till the end
Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
- Rihanna
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Waiting for Ladybugs
It's one big transition phase for me right now- transitioning to being a true "Seattleite" (yes, that's what they call themselves) from starting over again with buying furniture to applying for a Washington license to transferring Rupert (my car) to a Washington plate and other such things. EEEEEEP! It's difficult, because I like being in control and I like having everything figured out and organized. I want everything to work out all at once and quickly. I don't mind change, but I do not like the transition time between the changes.
" Listen Frances, when I was a little girl I used to spend hours looking for ladybugs. Finally, I'd just give up and fall asleep in the grass. When I woke up, they were crawling all over me."
After hearing that, ladybugs always held this significance in my life. That if I'm constantly running around trying to catch ladybugs and fireflies (and perhaps... my dreams and goals...) that all that will happen is a breathless, exhausted, discouraged, empty-handed me. It always seems to be those moments when I sit down, breathe in and embrace wherever I am, and calm my mind that a ladybug softly drop onto my shoulder, my shoe, my dress, and my fingertip. And then, the rest of the ladybugs come out too.
Of course, we have to work to get to the meadow in the first place. We can't just sit down in whatever climate we choose and hope that the ladybugs will come. We have to plan and think about where to go and at times fight tree branches and hills and mountains to get to the right place. It's not always easy. It's not always fun or glamorous or exciting. The woods don't always love us back. But once we've done all we can do to place ourselves where we need to be, we must be patient for the ladybugs to come. And somehow they always do one way or another even if it's not in the way or time we expected.
If you're fighting through woods and mountains, then keep on walking to the place you need to be. And if you're there, look around and enjoy the view, and find the beauty and patience in waiting for ladybugs.

"Signora, between Austria and Italy, there is a section of the Alps called the Semmering. It is an impossibly steep, very high part of the mountains. They built a train track over these Alps to connect Vienna and Venice. They built these tracks even before there was a train in existence that could make the trip. They built it because they knew some day, the train would come."
- Martini in Under the Tuscan Sun
Then I think of one of my favorite movies, Under the Tuscan Sun. If you love art/writing/Italy/gorgeous scenery/inspirational messages, go watch it. It's about a woman who loses every type of security she has through unfortunate events and gives up what's left to move to Tuscany where she doesn't know anyone there (or Italian for that matter) or what she's going to do with her life. She struggles through the transition, and a wise someone she meets in Italy says the following to her:
" Listen Frances, when I was a little girl I used to spend hours looking for ladybugs. Finally, I'd just give up and fall asleep in the grass. When I woke up, they were crawling all over me."

Of course, we have to work to get to the meadow in the first place. We can't just sit down in whatever climate we choose and hope that the ladybugs will come. We have to plan and think about where to go and at times fight tree branches and hills and mountains to get to the right place. It's not always easy. It's not always fun or glamorous or exciting. The woods don't always love us back. But once we've done all we can do to place ourselves where we need to be, we must be patient for the ladybugs to come. And somehow they always do one way or another even if it's not in the way or time we expected.
If you're fighting through woods and mountains, then keep on walking to the place you need to be. And if you're there, look around and enjoy the view, and find the beauty and patience in waiting for ladybugs.

"Signora, between Austria and Italy, there is a section of the Alps called the Semmering. It is an impossibly steep, very high part of the mountains. They built a train track over these Alps to connect Vienna and Venice. They built these tracks even before there was a train in existence that could make the trip. They built it because they knew some day, the train would come."
- Martini in Under the Tuscan Sun
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Words Words Words (and Hamlet)
From child sayings like
Sticks and stones may break your bones but words can never hurt you...
to songs like
You are beautiful in every single way, words can't bring you down....
Everyone seems to have an idea of what words mean or don't mean.
Well here's my idea.
These are all wrong.
Besides our actions and the silences in between, words are the most powerful thing in the entire world.
If this weren't so, then speeches would never create a reaction, books would never hold interest, theatre wouldn't captivate an audience with laughter or strike them silent with its depth. Writing would mean, nothing.
Here I am on my soapbox (and let's face it: at barely 5' tall I could use one) and you're probably wondering, where does this come from? Let's just say I'm interacting on a daily basis with someone who is constantly cutting every part of me down in just about every way. I've had theatre professors analyze every step of my movement, personality, and my acting techniques and approaches; I've had English professors and editors cut my writing into red ink bleeding chunks of paper to be revised; I've had people redirect everything from my sewing to painting technique, and I have never felt cut down from it like I do now. I suppose that's because each of those moments was never a personal insult but an opportunity to learn and grow and make myself better. I've never had someone cut me down like this before, and I must admit, it's really brought me down and making me feel lousy and miserable.
It's making me realize just how much words can change our day and how we feel. And it's making me appreciate the positive words that much more.
Who knows what someone is really going through? What if they're having a bad day? What if they're going through a rough time? Who knows what a simple kindness can do for them. I know what it does for me.
So choose your words wisely. They are yours and people might watch your actions, but that doesn't mean they're not listening too.
As for me, don't worry because I know I will be okay. I can accept that words can bring me down, because then that means words have the power to lift me back up again.
Thanks for letting me feel important on my soapbox,
A word is dead
When it is said,
Some say.
I say it just
Begins to live
That day.
Emily Dickinson
Sticks and stones may break your bones but words can never hurt you...
to songs like
You are beautiful in every single way, words can't bring you down....
Everyone seems to have an idea of what words mean or don't mean.
Well here's my idea.
These are all wrong.

If this weren't so, then speeches would never create a reaction, books would never hold interest, theatre wouldn't captivate an audience with laughter or strike them silent with its depth. Writing would mean, nothing.
Here I am on my soapbox (and let's face it: at barely 5' tall I could use one) and you're probably wondering, where does this come from? Let's just say I'm interacting on a daily basis with someone who is constantly cutting every part of me down in just about every way. I've had theatre professors analyze every step of my movement, personality, and my acting techniques and approaches; I've had English professors and editors cut my writing into red ink bleeding chunks of paper to be revised; I've had people redirect everything from my sewing to painting technique, and I have never felt cut down from it like I do now. I suppose that's because each of those moments was never a personal insult but an opportunity to learn and grow and make myself better. I've never had someone cut me down like this before, and I must admit, it's really brought me down and making me feel lousy and miserable.
It's making me realize just how much words can change our day and how we feel. And it's making me appreciate the positive words that much more.
Who knows what someone is really going through? What if they're having a bad day? What if they're going through a rough time? Who knows what a simple kindness can do for them. I know what it does for me.
So choose your words wisely. They are yours and people might watch your actions, but that doesn't mean they're not listening too.
As for me, don't worry because I know I will be okay. I can accept that words can bring me down, because then that means words have the power to lift me back up again.
Thanks for letting me feel important on my soapbox,
A word is dead
When it is said,
Some say.
I say it just
Begins to live
That day.
Emily Dickinson
Saturday, September 3, 2011
One Day at a Time
Peaceful Seattle things |
I love keeping things organized, planning things out, and focusing on small details to make things the best they can be. But go overboard on those things, and then I've also got loads of stress and worry on my mind. It's something I've dealt with my entire life. And after yet another night of not falling asleep, of tossing and turning and planning and thinking and stressing about the next steps, I've come to terms with the fact that this is a huge problem I have.
It needs to stop.
Why do I do this and how do I stop? I don't have all the answers. I know it's not going to be easy. I know it's something I'm going to struggle with every day I wake up, every night I go to bed.
1. Take each day in bite size pieces, One day at a time because...
Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday. ~Author Unknown
2. When the future seems too much, when you don't know how you will make it, if things will be okay, look backwards and see all of the lovely traces behind you
~James Russel Lowell
3 years ago I was stressing and worrying about what I would do with my life. I was so lost. Then I rediscovered theatre, which lead to me finding a huge part of myself.
6 months ago I was stressing and worrying and losing sleep over what I would do after college, where I would go, if I would make it to Seattle, if I would be happy, etc. etc.
And now I look back and see that everything was more than okay. I worked for my dream theatre, found a job that works perfectly with theatre, found a place to live... It all has worked out beautifully, one day at a time.
And now will be no different.
Do we have to work hard and plan right for good things to happen? Absolutely.
But there is a point when all we can do is accept that the future is out of our hands after that, to trust God, and to stop wasting so much of today stressing about tomorrow.
Almost a year ago :) |
Thank you for loving me and standing by me through it.
Here's to your adventures, to enjoying where you are on the way to where you're going
ps. Feel free to give all the advice you've got. I'm all ears.
"Of course what you're doing is hard. It's what most people only sit around and talk about doing without ever doing anything, and that's easy. Being home is easy. So it's okay to say that it's hard. Don't feel bad about that. Being brave is never easy." - Sheri Williams
People gather bundles of sticks to build bridges they never cross. ~Author UnknownMonday, August 29, 2011
Keep Holding On
Since you take precious time to read my thoughts, I feel that I owe you my honesty. So here's me, doing just that. (you have been warned)
Getting on a plane to take me back to Seattle was the hardest thing I've ever done.
I cried the whole day, getting on each plane, during the plane ride, getting off each plane, and then when I got to my apartment. I did not stop crying until I fell asleep. I do not remember a time in my life where I have ever done that. Ever. I could not compose myself, I could not stop myself from crying all day. And even yesterday, and even today.
She would always say, "because of the people that are there."
She was right. I have been so busy these past few months (and really, don't feel like I've stopped working constantly since I started college) that my brain didn't have time to grasp just how much I miss home, how much I miss my family, my friends.
Everything in me screams to be back home with you. To be there for you. To be with you. But I know that I need to be here, and I do love Seattle. Please don't misunderstand me. It's such a beautiful place and I'm having all of these amazing opportunities and life changing experiences, but I think that it's okay to accept that I can feel that way, especially after getting to visit home.
I don't have much advice to give today. I'm feeling kind of down myself, and probably will for awhile until I get back into the swing of things with a busy schedule. I just signed a lease to live in an adorable house in Seattle with a sweet housemate, and will be spending the next few weeks moving in and readjusting.
If I could tell you anything (and maybe what I need to hear too), is to keep holding on. We'll make it through. You'll make it through whatever you're going through. And so will I. But that doesn't mean that we should suppress "negative" emotions. In fact I'm starting to think that there should be no such thing as a negative emotion.
In a book I read for acting once (called No Acting Please), the author Eric Morris argues that all emotions we experience are just as real, just as important as the other, and that to suppress any emotion is to deny ourselves the realization that we are alive, that we are breathing, that we are human. And that is a beautiful thing.
I'm not going to fight it. I am sad. I feel down and upset and missing all of you. It feels like a part of my heart is missing
Yep, still fit into the prom dresses |
So take good care of it?
And in the meantime, just keep holding on. And reaching out for help, reaching out to help, because that's why we are all here. To love each other.
I'm off now to my first professional audition in a couple of hours, and I know that it will be good for me to get back into the swing of auditioning and acting. I wouldn't normally tell you that, but it is my first one, and I thought I'd let you know that while I'm feeling all of these sad things, I'm not going to let it dictate 100% of my actions (and neither should you).
Thank you for your advice, for your encouragement, for your prayers, for your time, for your thoughts, and for your love. I need them more than you could know.
-Amber Lee
"Celebrate the struggle. It is beautiful. It lets you know that you're alive." - Brigitte Mahaney
"Feelings are not supposed to be logical. Dangerous is the man who has rationalized his emotions." -David Borenstein
"You cannot make yourself feel something you do not feel, but you can make yourself do right in spite of your feelings." - Pearl S. Buck
"The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart." - Elisabeth Foley
Monday, August 8, 2011
Only for Now
Trekkie Monster! |
If only they knew how I felt, if they knew how much I worry about things, if they knew how much I overthink and analyze everything.
But I have a different opinion now. I've changed since I moved here. I am changing. I will continue to change. And perhaps, despite all of the changing (and perhaps because of it), I'm seeing parts of me clearly for the first time in my life.
Purpose box |
Before I moved, everyone asked me, "Are you ready?"
I wasn't ready.
I was more ready than I ever had been.
Maybe no one is ever ready for what life throws at us. Maybe we're not supposed to be ready. The difference is whether we jump.
When you change a puppet you have to take its head off first |
Christmas Eve |
In honor of Avenue Q closing at SCT (and how in the world a children's theatre can do Avenue Q will have to be for another blog post) I can't help but use one of the songs as parallel to my life, to all of our lives.
For Now (the closing number) talks about how it's okay to not know what's coming next, it's okay to just be, because all of life is only for now. I love this because it reminds me that
1. The bad is only for now
So that stressful situation, the worrying over your next job, the fear of failing when you move far from home, working two full time jobs, feeling homesick, missing a loved one, every negative situation, is only for now. It will pass and you will make it through. Just keep holding on with the belief that it's all temporary and don't let it spoil the good because...
2. The good is only for now
Enjoy every single moment, for nothing is guaranteed forever. Appreciate the small beauty in nature, in people, in life. Celebrate every day of good health, every feeling of happiness, every good person in your life- love them. Life is too wonderful to waste a second of it, to miss seeing the good because you allowed your vision to be clouded by the bad.
When we accept that it's all only for now, we can be free to change as much as we want, experience as much as we need, without fear. Despite fear.
Nothing lasts
Life goes on
Full of surprises
You'll be faced with problems of all shapes and sizes
You're going to have to make a few compromises for now
And we'll accept the things we cannot avoid for now (for now)
Don't stress
Let life roll off of your backs
Except for death and paying taxes everything in life
Is only for now
(Each time you smile, it'll only last a while)
Life may be scary, but it's only temporary
Everything in life is only for now
- Avenue Q
Fur jackets and cuffs I made for Jungalbook..ohyeah |
Love this girl |
One of my bosses! I love her too |
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Lost Things (day50)
And I have to give myself some credit- I did make it fifty days without dying, without any emergencies, wrecks, disasters, without getting too lost...which brings me to-
Mulan show week |
I became the dress form for the kid's sizes |
The plus side? Well I can say that at least this happened on the weekend, which means that if some random person does have access to my account, the bank isn't open to clear those checks. So it looks like I'll at least close it before that happens. And believe you me, the second I close the account is probably two seconds before I see my checkbook, laying right in front of me in my apartment. Sigh.
"All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on." -Henry Ellis
Perhaps if we never lose things, then there's no room for us to discover new things, to gain the new. If you want to travel the world, then you have to learn to fit your home in a car or maybe just in a suitcase. Sometimes you don't even get that much room.
Some journeys you must travel alone.
Sometimes we lose friendships or relationships so that we can find the people who are meant to be there.
Sometimes we lose part of our identity so that we can discover a part of us we didn't know was there before, a part that is even more brilliant, more glowing, more passionate than before.
So when you do lose something, it's okay to grieve it. It's okay to be upset, to embrace every emotion that we feel. But it's also okay to realize that with each lost item, there comes a found item for the future.
Think of Tinkerbell! (come on, you KNEW I was going to pull her in sooner or later). In case you didn't know, Tinkerbell is a tinker fairy, and tinker fairies love searching for Lost Things (aka any random items that humans left behind or lost). Tinker fairies create new things out of those lost items. And sometimes, they even fix them and then put them back in hopes that the human will find it again.
I truly believe that..
What's meant to be yours will always have a way of finding you again
Whether it be sunglasses, your cat, a friend, a job, your passion, your thirst for life, a soulmate, your keychain (I lost my keychain one January only to magically find it in a parking lot at OSU that April. And the flashlight still worked.) Or your checkbook.
Maybe it won't be found in the way you thought or hoped. And it probably won't be in your timing.
But believe that it will happen.
...Maybe you'll find even happier checks.
Because when we lose something, then there's always something else to be gained. This is how we grow.
And that is definitely always better.
"The greatest treasures are not gold, nor jewels, nor works of art. They cannot be held in your hands. They're held within your heart. For worldly things will fade away as seasons come and go. But the treasure of true friendship will never lose its glow."
- Tinkerbell and the Lost Treasure
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