Saturday, September 3, 2011

One Day at a Time

Peaceful Seattle things
 Since I'm being completely honest, I'll tell you that I have a huge weakness: Worrying.

I love keeping things organized, planning things out, and focusing on small details to make things the best they can be. But go overboard on those things, and then I've also got loads of stress and worry on my mind. It's something I've dealt with my entire life. And after yet another night of not falling asleep, of tossing and turning and planning and thinking and stressing about the next steps, I've come to terms with the fact that this is a huge problem I have.
It needs to stop.
 Why do I do this and how do I stop? I don't have all the answers. I know it's not going to be easy. I know it's something I'm going to struggle with every day I wake up, every night I go to bed.

 It's too easy to worry about everything- being so far away from everything I know, with all of these unknowns ahead of me. I think we all feel like this. Maybe you don't have this problem, maybe you don't worry and stress about things as much as I do. Maybe you worry and stress more than I do. But here's my only advice- and this is me forcing myself to face this reality and take a dose of my own medicine-

1. Take each day in bite size pieces, One day at a time because...

Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday.  ~Author Unknown

2. When the future seems too much, when you don't know how you will make it, if things will be okay, look backwards and see all of the lovely traces behind you

Let us be of good cheer, remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those which will never happen.
  ~James Russel Lowell

3 years ago I was stressing and worrying about what I would do with my life. I was so lost. Then I rediscovered theatre, which lead to me finding a huge part of myself.

6 months ago I was stressing and worrying and losing sleep over what I would do after college, where I would go, if I would make it to Seattle, if I would be happy, etc. etc. 

And now I look back and see that everything was more than okay. I worked for my dream theatre, found a job that works perfectly with theatre, found a place to live... It all has worked out beautifully, one day at a time.
 And now will be no different. 

Do we have to work hard and plan right for good things to happen? Absolutely.
But there is a point when all we can do is accept that the future is out of our hands after that, to trust God, and to stop wasting so much of today stressing about tomorrow.
Almost a year ago :)
I am working on this.
Thank you for loving me and standing by me through it.
Here's to your adventures, to enjoying where you are on the way to where you're going

ps. Feel free to give all the advice you've got. I'm all ears.

"Of course what you're doing is hard. It's what most people only sit around and talk about doing without ever doing anything, and that's easy. Being home is easy. So it's okay to say that it's hard. Don't feel bad about that. Being brave is never easy." - Sheri Williams
People gather bundles of sticks to build bridges they never cross.  ~Author Unknown


  1. Great post, Amber! Our sermon this morning was on this very topic. Here's another quote for you:
    Look around and be distressed.
    Look within and be depressed.
    Look to Jesus and be at rest. (Corrie ten Boom)
    Love you!

  2. I think you are very brave and very inspiring! My favorite quote in tough times is, "This too shall pass." Time really does heal all wounds (and stresses). Keep praying and working hard, I have all the faith in the world that you will find your way!
