Saturday, November 12, 2011

Making It

courtesy of f/8.3 photography
 Greetings and happy 11/11/11!
...and apologies for going a month without a post.

Time has been limited and sometimes I have to look into my planner to see where I can fit blocks for sleeping and eating (don't worry mom, I'm working on it!). I'm busy, you're busy, we're all busy, but that's old news. So let me catch you up on what is new.
courtesy of f/8.3 photography

These bridal photos are from a photoshoot for Twice Blushed from Amanda Vernell Studio (visit for more info). She re-makes GORGEOUS gowns from vintage dresses so that women can wear their mother's, grandmother's, etc. dress but with a modern twist or alterations.
So huge props to her and f/8.3 photography in Seattle. All of these photos belong to f/8.3 photography and you should definitely check out them at, become their fan on facebook and all that jazz.

courtesy of f/8.3 photography
You can also check out more pics from the photoshoot at

I had so much fun working on this shoot despite that it was early in the morning and FREEZING cold weather in Seattle. My arms and hands were numb for awhile afterwards, but it was well worth it and I'm glad to say I'd get up extra early and stand in cold weather anytime to get to work with these amazing people.

courtesy of f/8.3 photography 

courtesy of f/8.3 photography 


Moritz and Wendla, cemetary BFFS

 Tomorrow night also marks closing night of Spring Awakening. This show will always have such a special, dear place in my heart since it will forever be my first post- college show, my first Seattle show, my first "real world" theatre show. I feel so tremendously blessed to have such an amazing cast, crew, and director to work with and have as friends. They have kept me sane and rescued me from more than they will ever know. We've had a great run with a full house just about every night. I will try to post more pictures from the actual show in the near future, but for now, here are a few dressing room shots.

In the meantime, I suppose what's been on my mind lately is the concept of making it. Most people, especially those in the arts, can be extremely focused on the need to make it in their field of art.

But what is making it?

To be a star? To be famous? To have paparazzi chasing you at the grocery store? To have lots of money? To have others envious of your popularity?

Because if that's making it, then I'm definitely headed in the wrong direction. And if it is what I do want, then I'll probably be chasing ideas and jumping through endless hoops for the rest of my life without ever making it.

I think making it is...

to be happy
to be fulfilled
to have a purpose
to affect others in a positive way, in whatever means of talent and work i can use
to enjoy life at the end of the day
to enjoy life at the beginning of the day
to be proud of what I do and stand firm in that
to follow my dreams, create my own dreams, and attempt to dive into that huge percentage of our talents/ brains that statistics claim we don't tap into
to dare to be who I am in a world that throws statistics, doubts, insults, disbelief, loneliness, insecurity, and fear my way

Wendla and Martha= The Ambers
November marks my 6th month in Seattle, my 6th month away from home, from everything I know, from my family and friends (and forcing me to look at who my friends are... something that happens to anyone who moves 2,000 miles away), to a big city with no one there waiting for me, to dreaming of living here and being in theatre in Seattle. Tomorrow I close my first show here. The next day I'll start working on the next show I'm in that opens in December....

 I think making it is relative. I think I've already made it.

"Think of the future as a bowl of fresh milk with sugar and cinnamon. One man spills it and cries, the other one churns it and sweats. Why not skim the cream off? - Or don't you think we could learn how?... Maybe, when we look back on an afternoon like this thirty years from now, it will seem indescribably nice. And now it's happening without any effort at all." - Spring Awakening

1 comment:

  1. of course, now I remember this followed the children's theatre, so glad it was a good experience. Sending you lots of love. Making it every day, for me, is making it.

    So what was the next show after this?
