Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Bedrest Catch-up

Twice Blushed Pocket Garters for Halloween- order one!
 It finally happened- I'm sick in Seattle. Bleh.
Whether it was the cold weather, exhaustion, stress from the previous month, too much going and not enough resting, or a combination of them all, it's here. Thankfully it's happened on my two days off from work (or is that why it happened now?) hm.

Anyway since I'm stuck with a delirious head, my bottle of Nyquil, and trying to catch up on some rest, thought I'd catch you up on my life. There's been a couple of changes.

1. Job change

I was quite unhappy with my last job and have spent the past month and a half job searching. Job desperation. Job pleading. Job begging. Whatever you want to call it. I'm so very happy to say that I'm now working at a charming artsy store called Fireworks Gallery. It's everything whimsical you never need, and everything wonderful you always wanted. It's also nice to be working with a great group of people. 

2. Theatre

I got cast in my first post college/ real world production! We've been in rehearsal for a couple of weeks now and there's nothing better than being back around theatre people and working on a show. Love it. I feel so blessed and grateful for this opportunity and I know it will always hold a special place in my heart for being my first "real world" show.
In case you're interested, we are doing Spring Awakening by Frank Wedekind and I am playing Wendla. Beautiful, beautiful play. The show goes up in November and it's all thanks to (and through) Local Jewel Productions, a newer theatre company in Seattle. You can read all about it through the Local Jewel Productions facebook page, or by

3. Bridal Work
Me not being sick

Between work and rehearsal, I am also SO unbelievably fortunate to get to work for Amanda Vernell studio, the creator of Twice Blushed. I met and worked for the owner through Seattle Children's Theatre this past summer and now I am getting to be a part of her magic.

Twice Blushed is a concept that involves taking a vintage dress that's been worn before (say you're getting married and want to wear your mother or grandmother's dress, etc) and altering it in some way so that it fits you, is a little more modern, suits your wedding, or becomes a completely new dress if you want. The stories behind the women's lives and these dresses is absolutely breath-taking, and I am in heaven surrounded by all of these beautiful things.

Right now I am doing some marketing/PR/social networking for the company, and dipping my toes in the sewing process (and modeling) whenever I can. FUN! I'm in love.

They hold all your small stuff= nifty
Right now we're working on Pocket Garters (see the picture?) and anyone and everyone can order them.  (Here I am plugging away, shameless I know. really can order one! They're cute, make your night hands/purse free, cost between $22-28, and we ship too.)
To stay updated and get a glimpse of all of the magic, you can become a fan of Twice Blushed on facebook, check out, or  where I'll be doing some of the updates, blogging, and such.

Protest I have to stand in everyday for my bus stop
That's about it for now. I'm still looking for another job to add on, possibly in the nanny/babysitting world. I also have a couple of interviews lined up for some other small things. We'll see. As for now I'm sure I'll need a nap from the energy spent to write this. And then wake up later and wonder if I actually blogged this or just dreamed about it.
Until then, Amberlees taking a break from adventuring, but just for a day or two.

"Sometimes the most urgent thing you can possibly do is take a complete rest"


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