Friday, June 22, 2012

Happy Anniversary

This month marks one year since I made the drive from Oklahoma to Seattle, Washington to start a huge new part of my life.

It's overwhelming to think of how much has happened within the last 365 days. More pain has happened than I ever thought was possible. But also more good has happened than I guessed could happen as well.

Space Needle restaurant view
It feels like everything in my life has changed, but it's also nice to realize that the core of my life hasn't changed at all. I still believe in all the things I believed in a year ago. I still have the best family and friends I could ever wish for. And I still am passionately in love with theatre.

I was blessed to have my mom and sisters fly up to Seattle for a week's worth or adventures, celebrating my one year anniversary of taking the plunge and just doing it.

Street dancing
I wish I had some really great thing to say in honor of it being a year, something wise or reflective, but really right now I just feel blessed to have survived the craziness of life. Every day has been a battle. Some days I lost. Thank you for being there, for picking me up when I fell down, for reminding me to believe.

 Instead of thinking about how much has changed, I think it's important to realize what lies underneath it all, stable and unchanging, despite all the rugs being pulled out from underneath what you thought you had. What doesn't change even with all the other changes happening. There lies the difference.

Thank you for that. I could not have made it through any part of this last year without you. I thank God everyday for putting love and support in my life.

The Gumwall- a MUST in Seattle
Stay tuned for more blogs, I've got a ton of pictures to catch up on from shows and photo shoots and such, but until then (and until I have something more wise sounding to say), I'll simply raise a glass and say,

To one year
To the next year
To every year after
To what might change
and To what I know will always be


So ride on up, take your place
And show your face to the morning
Cause one of these days you'll be born and raised
And it all comes on without warning
- John Mayer

Enjoying our drinks from THE original Starbucks

Ferry ride from Seattle

View outside my apartment

My size kitchen

Feeding baby Cora (who I was the nanny for)

Japonessa Seattle sushi- the best kind

Alki beach

Like sister like sister

Walking Queen Anne Ave

My apartment

They paint artwork of birds in my apt complex

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