Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Picture Perfect

 Here's a catch up of the past couple of months for me via pictures! I got to do  another Twice Blushed bridal photo shoot (visit www.twiceblushed.com if you're in need of some dress magic), this time with Love Song Photo's Krista Welch. (You can check her work out at www.lovesongphoto.com). I HIGHLY recommend her talents and spirit.

I've also posted photos from my most recent show as Chava in Fiddler on the Roof.
Fiddler is a beautiful, touching show and I am blessed to have been cast. I definitely fell in love with my role and hope to play Chava many more times while I've still got the youthful typecast. Some photos were taken professionally and some were taken by people in the audience. I also included some other random happenings in my life. Enjoy!

For now, here's what I've got to say about my life:

 You know what? I am happy.
I have a wonderful, loving family. I have great friends. I am thankful for these people in my life and for their health, safety, and happiness. I am single, living in my dream city, supporting myself, constantly auditioning, getting theatre work, and living in a place that offers all of the art, dance classes, shows, good coffee, auditions, music, and opportunities any kind of artist could ever wish for. The whole world is full of possibilities right now, and whether those possibilities end up being yes's or no's, they are wide open possibilities with decisions I get to make for me alone. I am independent, growing, learning, taking risks, and living a life I dreamed of for a very long time. I have been through much, and I'm sure there's more to go through in my life, but I refuse to let that take away my dreams or happiness.
I am going to be more than okay.
So here's to being so much more than just okay.
 Happy Monday everyone, hope you're bringing what you've got to offer this world back.
It's time.


Forbidden love at first sight

Wedding dance

Younger me growing up in Chavaleh 

How are my sisters already so much taller? 

My beautiful Mama, who I dedicated my performance to (as well as my Papa) 

Chava and Fyedka


I've become an excellent smoothie maker



My piano baby is now with me in Seattle. This is happiness

Proud owner of original, vintage Clue

I still enjoy going out and having fun :)

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