Friday, May 18, 2012

Corners and Tunes

This week I took a longer drive in my car and put on one of my favorite albums for some sunny day listening.

A song began playing that I wasn't familiar with, which is strange because it's one of my favorite albums.
The more I listened, the more I realized that all the time I've had that cd I haven't really listened to all of the songs on it. I've spent that time listening to the five or six songs that were my favorite.

I had no idea that some of my new favorite songs were right there, waiting for me.

I'd like to think that that's how my life is, and yours too. That whatever cd we're listening to right now, whatever we're going through, there's a new song waiting for us, a new song that will surprise us, give us joy, and become a new favorite.

I like to believe that when life feels like you're hanging onto the edge with your fingertips burning to just let go, you're actually hanging sideways on a corner, a turn in the wall.
I'm not really a fan of corners (there's a reason the earth is round methinks) and they are not a fan of me. They're sharp, I run into them, I stub my toe one the edge, I fall into one....
Graduation- 1 year ago now (taken at my college house)

But the great thing about corners is that
there's something new and different around them, something you can't see when you're on one side of it. You can turn the corner and find yourself in a completely different place, different surroundings, different dreams, different hopes. Turning the corner can be a catharsis, a move in a new direction, a move in any direction. Turning the corner can be a renewing beginning again.

Your new favorite songs are waiting for you,
 You can turn the corner and find something new and surprising and wonderful.

Over 1 year ago, in Chicago
All you have to do is press play and listen.

she flew across the sea
we talked on a small screen
a cubism dream
the most beautiful squares i'd ever seen
the canvas was free
a gift good mother gave to me
we joked at how they talked so differently

-Local Natives

A huge many thanks to everyone who has been giving me all the love, advice, wisdom, friendship, and beautiful words through everything. I love you all, and you have helped me more than you know,

PS. Enjoy the pictures! The wedding photo shoot was held by the wonderful Krista from Love Song Photo and constructed by Amanda Vernell from Twice Blushed. Here' s the site for more pictures and her blog if you're interested

PPS. Fiddler on the Roof opens one week from now! I slid in a picture from rehearsal at the theatre space for you. Come get your tickets and watch me dance and stuff.  

PPPS. It's now been exactly one year since I graduated.... weird? Definitely weird to remember when I was in Chicago a little bit more than a year ago, scrambling my brain and wondering what I would do after graduating. Who knew I would be living in Seattle, doing shows and modeling wedding dresses? Who knew that I would be okay.

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