Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring Awakening: the season to rise again

 If a picture's worth a thousand words...
Here are all of mine.

These are all from my friend's family beach house in Seattle, off of the Key Peninsula. It is absolutely glorious, everything you could ever dream of a beach house being. It's heaven on earth. I've gotten to do so many new things- like watch baby seals play in the ocean, hold real starfish, dig for clams and then make a dinner out of them... it's rejuvenating.

This year my life has felt like I was falling down from a thousand stories tall without anything to grasp or hold onto. A tornado of change.
Sometimes the little things are the things that end up helping. Sometimes as I go through my day I try to make myself more aware of the things that are still the same. I make a note of them. I hold onto them.
I whisper them to myself...

I still insist on throwing out my toothbrush and replacing it with a new one every couple of weeks

I still love to dance

I still talk about waffles more than any normal person ever should

I am still 5 feet tall (and will most likely always be)

I still sing what should be normal sentences or answers

I still love glitter. Lots and lots of it.

I still find some of the greatest peace in listening to or playing music

I can still play Chopin's prelude in e minor by heart from memory

I still believe in God

I still (and always will) laugh when talking to anyone in my family

I still have the best of friends, better than I deserve, better than I could have asked for, more wonderful than starshines

I still dislike hot dogs, hamburgers, and donuts 

I still love the rain. And I still love the sunshine. 

I still believe that Seattle is one of the most beautiful places for any kind of artist to be

I could still swing for hours and be happy. Or read books. 

I still love theatre. Possibly more than ever before. 

I will still change. That is a constant I can count on.
Even the things that seem still are still changing, but yet, there are some things that really won't change.

I hope you are okay with whatever changes you have to fall through, and I also hope you are okay with the things that don't change. Perhaps they are just as beautiful.
Until I have more actual words, here are your thousands and thousands of the other kind of words...


1 comment:

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