For catching up- here's a couple of my new headshots. Krista from Love Song Photo is amazing to work with and I feel blessed to know her. I met her through a photo shoot for Twice Blushed last spring, and I have a feeling we'll be working together more in the future.
My Summer 2012:
1. I became a teacher at Studio East

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My favorite play of the summer- entirely written and performed by 5-8 year olds Daylight Missing- How the Moon and the Stars Came to Be (A story about bravery....I cry every time I read the script) |
I spent (and still do) much of my time nannying for babies and kids of all ages. I've worked with so many families at this point that I couldn't even tell you all of their names, so I had to make a file. Of course there are, and will always be, my favorite kids to nanny. (...and my not so favorite... but more on those stories later!)
3. Me
Every day I change a little, become a little more me, in whatever way that means. This summer I had a break between shows (for the first time in years) and realized that my hair didn't need to be black for a show. So I went back to just me. And just me... is swell.
On a funnier note, I also had a traumatic bang cut experience in which the hairstylist promptly chopped off all of my bangs to the top of my forehead... let's just say that I won't be having bangs again for a very long time. It took most of the summer for them to look normal again without a headband. I called it my parallel life of Waiting for Godot, entitled Waiting for My Bangs to Grow.
These experiences taught me two silly (but very true and important) things
- Hair will, indeed, grow back from trauma
(So can the soul)
Moving on to Fall 2012...
The more I reflected and dove into concepts and themes of Midsummer, the more I found myself diving into my own life and experiences...ahhh, don't you love how art does that to the soul?

- We are all in the woods-
At some point and at many points in our lives, we are in the woods. We are in the dark- lost, afraid, alone, lonely, desperate, sad, ugly, or feeling unworthy of greatness.
We experience heartbreak, jealousy, betrayal, anger, unstable emotions. We are mortals and Lord what fools these mortals be! We can't help it. And I've learned that it's okay to be in the woods. It's okay to feel all of these things. It's okay to go through all of these things because....

-We grow stronger in the woods-
We must choose to fight. Helena comes so close to giving up in the woods, in my opinion, when she says that she is as ugly as a bear. I felt that (my) Helena was ready to die when she said that. That it was over, she didn't want to live anymore, and would accept whatever beast fate threw her way to devour her entirely into the darkness.
-Hold onto your friends when in the woods-
They are there for you. Maybe they are going through a difficult time too. Maybe they are feeling just as lost as you are... OR maybe they've been slipped a potion that momentarily makes them insane and act like they are in love with you.
But whatever the reason, there are moments in the woods when we must hold onto one another. Through all the craziness and fear, we must believe that we are more than what we are just in that moment. We must believe in each other.
-We won't always be in the woods-
Morning will come. It's always darkest before the dawn, right?
We will wake up one day, the whirlwind of our past settling into dust at our feet. We will be ready to walk away and move on to the next stage of life, whatever that may be. Maybe we'll wake up next to the person we were really intended to be with in the first place. Maybe we won't. But we will wake up. The sun will come out again and we can be wiser, stronger, and braver. As a door closes so that a window can open, so the darkness of the woods shows us just how bright the daylight can be.
Whatever woods you have gone through, or whatever woods you might be traveling through now, I hope and pray that you don't lose sight of what you believe in, what is important to you, and who you are.
It is not night when I do see your face
Therefore I think I am not in the night
Nor doth this wood lack worlds of company
For you, in my respect, are all the world
Then how can it be said I am alone
When all the world is here to look on me?
Things growing are not ripe until their season
So I, being young, till now ripe not to reason
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We played some football in between shots |
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I can throw a football? ohhh yaa |